This is a non-governmental, non-political and non-religious organization.
It is an independent, non-religious, non-profit organisation which aims to help people overcome barriers preventing them from participating fully in society.
Kid's Pages Cares is a non-partisan, non-political, and non-religious, nonprofit organization.
The term is also used within some non-religious organizations.
Rachel's Challenge is a non-profit, non-religious, non-political organization.
Amigos de las Américas is a non-religious, non-governmental, non-profit organization based out of Houston, Texas.
It was established in 2006, has about 400 members and declares itself non-political and non-religious organization.
In addition to the religious, non-religious organisations came to the assistance of famine victims.
Sadhguru established Isha Foundation, a non-religious, non-profit organisation entirely run by volunteers.
Moral Re-Armament would eventually become a non-religious humanitarian organization, changing its name to Initiatives of Change in 2001.