These methods lower the consumption of non-renewable natural resources which, in turn, helps to reduce climate change.
The tower will be a green building, as its design concept includes facilities to reduce use of non-renewable resources.
If not, it would become a non-renewable resource at that location.
Economic growth that can continue over the long-term without damage to the environment or the exhaustion of non-renewable resources.
Amendments were also made at this time: section 92A was added, giving provinces greater control over non-renewable natural resources.
Oil is a non-renewable resource, and we cannot sustain our current rate of use indefinitely.
Real scarcity can also exist by over use of non-renewable resources.
We have heard that soil is our most important non-renewable resource.
It is important to conserve (save) non-renewable resources, because if we use them too quickly there will not be enough.
For example, oil, minerals, and other non-renewable resources cannot be recycled.