He appeared in two musical films and played non-singing roles in two other motion pictures.
For the first time in their careers they appeared in non-singing roles in various plays.
Said Ms. Lincoln of her non-singing role: "It was my first film.
Jane, the maid - Rose Hervey (a non-singing role, and in some versions, does not speak)
Vincent Lamberti completes the cast in the non-singing roles of Zuniga and Garcia.
Grey created the non-singing role of Fleta, while continuing as Jane in Mock Turtles.
This was also her first non-singing role at MGM.
It was eventually decided to assign Kathryn Grayson opposite him in her first non-singing role.
One of the few non-singing roles he portrayed during his career, Winters garnered a Tony Award nomination for his performance.
This is carried out by many of the actors with non-singing roles.