However, both compounds have been shown to produce non-specific effects presumably unrelated to inhibition of PLC [ 15 16 17 18 19 20 ] .
Certain medications can cause changes in the level of experienced sexual desire through "non-specific effects on general well-being, energy level, and mood".
Bioinformatics studies on the genomes of multiple organisms suggest this length maximizes target-gene specificity and minimizes non-specific effects.
Effects seen in the L mice, the ulcer group, could, therefore, be differentiated from any non-specific effects of thoracic irradiation.
It has been proposed that animals in the home could have a non-specific effect because they shed or encourage endotoxin.
For example, extremes of pH or temperature usually cause denaturation of all protein structure, but this is a non-specific effect.
Symptoms of envenomation include variable non-specific effects which may include headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness, collapse or convulsions.
He concluded that "the notion that CST is associated with more than non-specific effects is not based on evidence from rigorous randomised clinical trials".
Perhaps prolonged contact with unstable human beings has had a non-specific effect of disorientation upon your centers of evaluation.
In addition, glycyrrhiza + sophora had a protective effect on immunosuppression, a strong non-specific anti-inflammatory effect, and reduced the incidence of sodium and water retention, protecting against pseudohypercorticosteroidism.