MK had record profits between 1989 and 1991 which derived from operating revenue, accounting decisions, and non-traditional sources of income such as investments.
In addition to the traditional forms of lift used in the sport of gliding, microlift gliding also aims to exploit non-traditional sources of weak lift.
Located in an area of low rainfall, the Eco-city will draw a significant part of its water supply from non-traditional sources such as desalinated water.
"We're getting important information from non-traditional clandestine sources who have better access to some of this information than the traditional espionage activity would have."
To pursue non-traditional sources of support.
The non-traditional sources have a lower concentration of the raw material than the traditional deposits.
The best experience with the extraction of this gas has been in North America, where extraction from non-traditional sources accounted for up to 42% of total production in 2007.
Integrated crop/rangeland/livestock production systems including non-traditional sources of livestock feed.
They will also work with non-traditional financial sources such as the Alliance Micro-loan program and the SunTrust/Walt Disney Micro-loan fund.
Factoring companies and other non-traditional sources will be used.