Since some people regard them as the ultimate madness and evil they deem it to be their moral right to break laws, mostly in a non-violent manner, as a form of protest.
Additionally, FSMN has developed a conflict resolution program to help children work through their conflicts with each other in a non-violent constructive manner.
He also notes that it serves as a way for young boys to release energy in a non-violent manner.
Gandhiji suggested two alternatives, (1) to continue the No-Tax Campaign in a non-violent manner and (2) mass exodus of people to the vacant areas beyond the municipal limits.
The Caudillo brings order to the country, but does not always exert their power in a non-violent manner.
All these political parties and movements believe in non-violence and express their ideas in a non-violent manner.
The British version of the book ended with Alex transforming into adult life in a healthy, non-violent manner.
No child should leave school without receiving fundamental training in how to 'attune' with babies and to parent in a non-violent manner.
This is specifically by attempting to disarm the UK Trident nuclear weapons system, in a non-violent manner.
The senator was going to make a public plea to the jokers to demonstrate in a non-violent manner.