If activists become fed up with non-violent protest then they will take another road and adopt an armed struggle.
Rev. Hicks calmed the students and helped them plan a non-violent protest in front of the school.
The conflict emerged in May 2006 with the police responding to a strike involving the local teachers' trade union by opening fire on non-violent protests.
In response, the residents began to hold non-violent protests.
Smaller-scale, non-violent protests took place the following day, June 28, during the afternoon and evening.
Demonstrators accused the police of brutality and denying them their right to non-violent protest.
Responses of this type against peaceful, non-violent protests serve to paint the authorities in a very poor light.
The church was a mechanism for non-violent protest against the occupation and a critical voice of the brutal attacks taking place in the country.
Therefore, well understood and well thought out non-violent protest is a very effective tool.
Expansion is unlikely under the coalition government, and non-violent protest might become easier.