The plight of non-Western nations whose economies are dependent on cash crops such as sugar, is identical to the position of the victims of peonage.
Getting beyond anecdote, consumer protection legislation in any "western" nation - and many "non-western" nations - would smash a light-bulb company (see what I did there?
During this period, popular resistance to Japanese rule was high, and the world questioned whether a non-Western nation such as Japan could effectively govern a colony of its own.
For years, the emphasis has been on blocking non-Western nations from obtaining either missiles or the techonology to build them.
Egypt has been rallying African and other non-Western nations behind Mr. Boutros-Ghali, one of its most respected diplomats.
Maybe even 19th-century imperialism will be reinterpreted and invoked by example since many non-Western nations developed democratic institutions solely because of imperialist influence.
In the official crime statistics, immigrants from non-Western nations are disproportionately over-represented.
Sales of distilled spirits are rising in non-Western nations.
In 1954 Hoebel contributed his major book on legal anthropology, on broadening the legal realist tradition to include non-Western nations.