Tillman opposed American annexation of the Philippines because he feared an influx of non-white immigrants would result, undermining white racial purity.
In some Societies and communities with large populations of non-white immigrants some non-white male groups were assigned formerly "feminine" roles(e.g., the Chinese laundry and cooks).
During the debate she stood up and tried to get the crowd consisting mostly of non-white immigrants to sing "We Shall Overcome".
And non-white or non-Christian immigrants are often seen as a threat to ethnic, religious and cultural traditions.
The persons claiming to lack prejudices, but to oppose the presence of non-white immigrants, offer justifications for their positions.
Or second generation non-white Swedish children from non-white immigrants?
Prior to the institution of slavery, early African and non-white immigrants to the Colonies had been regarded with equal status, serving as sharecroppers alongside whites.
Unlike non-white immigrants, the National Front has no policy to repatriate white immigrants already settled in Britain.
Republicans have responded to the influx of non-white immigrants by making more explicit efforts to court the Hispanic and Asian vote.
From 1901 to 1973, the White Australia policy was put into place to keep all non-white immigrants out.