Positive: Pre Democracy, the Apartheid discriminated against non-white races, so with affirmative action, the country started to redress past discriminations.
Čapek targets a range of human foibles, from the superficiality of Hollywood starlets, to the arrogance of then-prevalent European attitudes towards non-white races.
However, his deep hatred of non-white races got him into trouble once too often, and he was fired.
The question of whether it was good or bad for whites to mix with non-white races was one that Kuyper answered differently, at different times.
In 1940 and 1950, the instructions were to "Report white (W) for Mexicans unless they were definitely of full Indigenous Indian or other non-white races."
For instance, the association between low income or non-white race and greater asthma hospitalization risk is potentially confounded by inadequate health care access.
Biological essentialism is the belief that white European races are biologically superior and other non-white races are inherently inferior.
The laws also affected other non-white races.
Hence, Bowne favored the equality of women and non-white races at a time when these views were controversial.