People can take and transform pieces of [the] work for noncommercial purposes only.
The Open Group provides TOGAF free of charge to organizations for their own internal noncommercial purposes.
His right to drive his car for noncommercial purposes was unaffected.
This work may be used, with this header included, for noncommercial purposes within a subscribed institution.
Mr. Lessig released his free PDF document under a license that allows others to change the work for noncommercial purposes as long as the original is attributed.
You may also use a church or community room, if the room is regularly made available for noncommercial purposes, without regard to political affiliation.
The license permits use, reproduction, modification, and distribution by educational, research, and non-profit entities for noncommercial purposes only.
You know, as long as you do it for noncommercial purposes, please spread the word.
We are happy to grant permission to use our material for noncommercial, nonprofit, educational purposes.
The use of this feature is limited to personal, noncommercial purposes only.