The board said it was trying to determine whether to conduct its own investigation of the the Halliburton and other noncompetitive contracts.
Ms. Greenhouse says she argued strenuously that a noncompetitive contract should not be given for more than one year.
The eight-member Board of Estimate oversees land use, franchises and noncompetitive contracts, and shares budget powers with the City Council.
It would restrict the ability of the administration to grant noncompetitive contracts.
Last year, for example, a secret task force in the Bush Administration picked Halliburton to receive a noncompetitive contract for up to seven billion dollars to rebuild Iraq's oil operations.
Unclear is how the matters now handled by the board -noncompetitive contracts, franchises, the budget and land use - would be allocated among the executive branch, the Council and other city agencies.
The agencies will have to hold hearings at regular publicized times on any noncompetitive contract of more than $100,000.
No one seems to know what she actually accomplished there, but the bill was paid by a Defense Department contractor that has since come under official scrutiny for its noncompetitive contracts and poor performance.
The reports said the corporation "repeatedly and exclusively gave noncompetitive contracts to a limited group of vendors, consultants and contractors."
The Postmaster General saw an unusual opportunity in awarding Perot Systems a noncompetitive contract, a decision that continues to face heavy criticism.