In Northern Ireland, most officials pay lip service to nondenominational schools.
It is an independent, nondenominational school serving students from preschool through 12th grade.
Between the years 1925 and 1970 the school was a nondenominational school for boys.
Although it is a nondenominational school, the college's foundation stems from a Wesleyan-Holiness tradition.
He also said that other religious and nondenominational schools would be welcome to participate.
A nondenominational Christian school, it enrolls about 550 students.
Although the classes are in a church building, it is considered a nondenominational school.
Second, the law involved the state in education, an important first step in the creation of nondenominational schools.
It was a nondenominational, self-supported school with 89 students in kindergarten to grade 6.
The school later became a nondenominational Christian school.