Diana Scheffler, an administrative assistant, goes for soothing pictures like a bike path in West Virginia and a nondescript tree-lined street.
The temple looms over small homes on a nondescript street.
The lines are shorter now that beach season is over, but customers still queue up for doughnuts at Hoffman's, on a nondescript street in Point Pleasant.
Double-glazed windows faced a nondescript street.
Brisk blue light falls through the windows at the far end of a painter's studio on the third floor of a nondescript street in Fort Greene.
Martha knew none of these were for her, either, so she turned down Crescent Avenue to find a cheap bed and breakfast place on a nondescript street.
The android opened the door, and they stepped into one of the nondescript streets of New Reykjavik.
This bodega could be anywhere in New York, on any nondescript street, on any unlucky corner.
Meeting in a makeshift mosque at the end of a nondescript street, they reportedly became increasingly devout and radicalized.
It is now a fairly ugly pile of modern buildings arrayed along a few nondescript streets jammed with workaday shops.