Memoir (from French: mémoire: memoria, meaning memory or reminiscence), is a literary nonfiction genre.
Two recent volumes - Jim Rogers's "Adventure Capitalist" (Random House, $27.50) and James M. Clash's "Forbes to the Limits" (John Wiley & Sons, $27.95) - try the trick of merging two nonfiction genres: management advice and travelogue.
In her spare time she likes reading poetry anthologies, especially Robert Burns, and creative nonfiction genre.
After that, she said, she might write a memoir, but not the kind of score-settling book that has become a nonfiction genre of the Beltway.
The nomination was for Afflictions & Departures, which illustrates an experimental nonfiction genre Sonik has termed a "fracture."
Since that time, the term has been commonly adopted by Readers' Advisors in libraries and extended to nonfiction genres as well as fiction.
It's a nonfiction genre that Clemens had earlier both parodied and extended with his immensely popular "Innocents Abroad" and its younger, less affluent, unknown (but no less crankily opinionated) narrator.
The institutes often cover a range of themes, from the basics of the creative nonfiction genre to writing memoir to travel narrative.
These questions come up mostly in discussing biographies, particularly literary biographies, but no nonfiction genre is immune.
The system they devised worked like this: about 130 academy members across the country who are associated with the nonfiction genre were asked to help come up with a short list of 12 films, culled from 55 entries.