Attempts have been made to assess the number of potential useful oocytes in a noninvasive way.
Collection of urine samples can be taken in a noninvasive way which does not require professionals for collection.
"It's a noninvasive way, as opposed to lawsuits and technological attacks," he added.
If I can maintain what I have in a noninvasive way, why not?
He needed a noninvasive way to detect the painting.
Aeroponics offered researchers a noninvasive way to examine roots under development.
Some of the tricks are useful, or at least interesting in a noninvasive way.
This noninvasive way of gaining information about the fetus is being used by an increasing number of obstetricians.
Snorkel sampling is a noninvasive way to sample the desired fish species.
They say the technique could be useful as a relatively inexpensive and noninvasive way to measure the abundance of certain endangered or threatened animals.