Mr. McHenry, the director, said he decided early on to tell the story in nonlinear fashion, going from present to past and back again.
The storyline of "Maria" is structured in an unconventional, nonlinear fashion.
Because they are viscoelastic, polymers behave in a nonlinear, non-Hookean fashion.
Constructed in a nonlinear fashion, the film juxtaposes historical events with a variety of cinematic techniques.
Players navigate through the game via an overworld map, which they can move from one numbered area to another in a nonlinear fashion.
This is the protagonist's soon-to-be-absent father, and as a later episode makes clear in the best nonlinear fashion, he has lived a life of degradation.
The current generated by a photodetector generates photo voltage, but in a nonlinear fashion.
The narrative is told in a nonlinear fashion.
In its nonlinear fashion, the tale is the same as that of the adults, a search for love.
His new "Chapters," with original music by three composers, traces the trajectories of two lives in a nonlinear fashion.