In a nonlinear medium, the permittivity can depend on the strength of the electric field.
Practically, frequency-doubling is carried out by placing a nonlinear medium in a laser beam.
Optical signal transmission over a nonlinear medium is principally an analog design problem.
A nonlinear medium is one which is intended to be accessed in a nonlinear fashion.
Organic photorefractive materials are a nonlinear medium in which large amounts of information can be recorded and read.
In a nonlinear medium, the permeability can depend on the strength of the magnetic field.
This process was first discovered in 1961 by Franken et al., using a ruby laser, with crystalline quartz as the nonlinear medium.
But that depth has been a towering barrier in the interactive and nonlinear medium of video games, where players expect to be able to explore freely.
FROG and autocorrelation share the idea of combining a pulse with itself in a nonlinear medium.
Both pulses are focused to the same point in a nonlinear medium, and the spectrum of the nonlinear signal is measured with a spectrometer.