It now sends them nonmilitary aid like clothing and food.
"Everyone was looking for the rest of the world, particularly the Europeans, to do the soft side," said the official, referring to nonmilitary aid.
Japan has the world's largest budget for nonmilitary foreign aid, about $10 billion a year.
(American nonmilitary foreign aid is at present about $10 billion per year.)
He said the priority now should be providing nonmilitary aid like food and medicine to the refugees already in Rwanda.
The current three-year aid agreement provides a total of $1.4 billion in nonmilitary aid.
Previously purchased military equipment could be shipped with the nonmilitary aid.
The nonmilitary aid would be used for food, clothing, aircraft and transportation of supplies.
It also includes $16 million in nonmilitary aid for the Nicaraguan rebels.
President Reagan has threatened to veto the entire spending bill if it does not include nonmilitary aid for the rebels.