By all accounts the missile was intended as a nonnuclear weapon.
The Soviet Union opened an East-West conference today with a broad proposal for a three-stage reduction in nonnuclear weapons and military personnel in Europe.
Homeland security becomes an even higher priority if one broadens one's thinking about the potential damage from nonnuclear weapons to include more than simply the number who would die.
If military planners are now to consider the nuclear option any time they confront a surprising military development, the distinction between nuclear and nonnuclear weapons fades away.
It describes nuclear and nonnuclear weapons as "offensive strike systems" that can be used separately or combined in an attack.
If fielded, it would be the only nonnuclear weapon designed for rapid strikes against targets thousands of miles away and would add to the United States' options when considering a pre-emptive attack.
Officially the bomb was called the BLU-96, but its nickname was HADES-and for its size it was the most powerful nonnuclear weapon in existence.
Mr. Hussein is thought to store those weapons in deeply buried bunkers that are difficult to demolish with nonnuclear weapons.
Today, one-half of our work is in nuclear weapons technology, one-fourth is in nonnuclear weapons, and one-fourth is in nondefense research and technologies.