A distressing example emerged last week in a study of graduation rates by the Education Trust, a nonpartisan foundation in Washington.
The Newseum was developed by the Freedom Forum, a nonpartisan foundation devoted to a free press.
In a letter to the foundation, the Republican leaders said such conduct was "inappropriate for a nonprofit, tax-exempt, supposedly nonpartisan foundation."
The Newseum's operations are funded by the Freedom Forum, a nonpartisan foundation dedicated to "free press, free speech and free spirit for all people".
It is financed by the Freedom Forum, a nonpartisan foundation dedicated to free press and free speech.
NIAF is a nonprofit, nonpartisan educational foundation that promotes Italian American culture and heritage.
It calls itself a nonpartisan educational foundation.
Freedom Forum, a nonpartisan foundation dedicated to free press and free speech.
"This is a nonprofit, nonpartisan foundation that is supported by Americans of all political stripes," he said.
The Freedom Forum describes itself as "a nonpartisan foundation dedicated to free press, free speech and free spirit for all people."