Georgia also reflects the nation in nonpartisan ways that are likely to change Congress as much as any partisan shifts.
"I've tried to guide my organization in a nonpartisan way," he says.
PPR, as it is called, provides a venue for serious discussion of politics and policy issues in a nonpartisan way.
Congress and the administration must focus on this situation in a nonpartisan way because dependable energy is so important to every American.
The House's primary obligation is to handle the case in a fair, nonpartisan way.
"We're thrilled to have him because he has been seriously involved in public policy issues in a nonpartisan way."
Q. Are the freshmen meeting in an informal, nonpartisan way?
"He is serving in a nonpartisan way as a host."
This Administration has done a yeoman's job in helping the industrial base in a nonpartisan way.
So I think our criticism will be, hopefully, looked at in a nonpartisan way.