The private, nonprofit clinic has spent $30,000 on added security since the shootings.
Suffolk County has few private or nonprofit psychiatric clinics; its three large state psychiatric centers have long cared for their own dischargees.
So Carilion, a nonprofit private clinic that gets tax breaks in return for a commitment to provide healthcare to the poor, garnished his wages.
If two children show up at his nonprofit clinic here, Rocky Mountain Youth, and he has only enough flu vaccine for one, who gets the shot?
They demanded, and got, a woman editor and a stipulation that nonprofit clinics receive a 70 percent discount.
Taxpayers usually pick up half the cost in nonprofit clinics.
But as the need increases, some of the nonprofit clinics that provide services at reduced fees are expressing concern about their financial situation.
This is, as are the others, a nonprofit reduced-fee clinic.
In 1990, he opened his nonprofit clinic.
A main reason that government relies heavily on nonprofit clinics is they do it cheaper than the state.