Through FEGS, a private, nonprofit health and human services organization, she undergoes psychotherapy and has become part of a support network.
In the 1960's, many nonprofit health organizations were recognized as tax-exempt because they resembled the nonprofit insurance plans of Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
The fate of the nation's largest nonprofit health insurer was at stake, they said.
The camp, which is free, is run by Family Services of Westchester, a nonprofit mental health and social service organization.
The Workers' Compensation Group provides insurance coverage for nonprofit health and human services agencies.
Catholic organizations control 15 percent of nonfederal hospital beds and are the largest nonprofit health care providers.
New Alternatives for Children is a nonprofit health and social services agency whose mission is to serve children with medical disabilities.
Dwindling state and Federal funding is prompting nonprofit health and social service providers to cut back services and spend more time fund-raising, administrators at nonprofit agencies said.
Ascension Health is the nation's largest Catholic and nonprofit health system with 68 acute care facilities across 20 states and the District of Columbia.
Argonne employees run an annual campaign to support local and national nonprofit health and welfare agencies.