The deal was met with admiration among other nonprofit leaders, who usually rely on ticket sales to provide at least half of their yearly budgets.
Often, donors select family members, personal business associates, lawyers, or nonprofit leaders to serve on their boards.
Regulators and nonprofit leaders predict that continuing developments in technology will improve oversight by making information more readily available.
At meetings, nonprofit leaders were shouted down with the same anger reserved for pro-war speakers 20 years before.
The current movement for a living wage has unified an unusually robust coalition of community, labor, nonprofit, religious and business leaders.
Members include legislators, government officials, business and nonprofit leaders.
If funding is the major stressor for nonprofit leaders, the need for a first-rate staff must be a close second.
Few of these early efforts seemed to get much traction with stakeholders or nonprofit leaders.
The curriculum is crafted to provide opportunities for nonprofit leaders to gain skills to help their organizations succeed.
The second reason for dismay among nonprofit leaders is the uncertainty about financing, given the likely court fight.