ASID is a key nonprofit provider of information, knowledge and research for the interior design industry.
Other state attorneys general have cited similar practices in bringing lawsuits against some nonprofit providers.
Bancroft, Inc., a nonprofit provider of specialized services for individuals with autism, brain injuries and other intellectual or developmental disabilities.
Many services are provided by nonprofit, private providers, so we can't count all the children who are impacted.
But after problems went unaddressed, the state put pressure on the federation to turn over the home to another nonprofit provider.
As a result, from the 1970s until this fall, the nonprofit providers, unlike nursing homes or hospitals, never faced fines when their care was found lacking.
This fall, for the first time in its history, the office fined four nonprofit providers.
The business is dominated by small, often poorly financed nonprofit providers, with the 50 largest for-profit companies accounting for less than 10 percent of industry capacity.
It is one of the largest nonprofit providers of housing for the elderly, the poor and disabled.
Many varieties are available, and the providers, commercial and nonprofit, are legion.