When I asked him how this world began, he made a nonsensical answer.
That's a nonsensical answer.
T'Seri used her logic, but it revealed a nonsensical answer.
However, the program could easily be fooled into giving nonsensical answers.
The features included approximate or nonsensical answers to simple questions, perceptual abnormalities, and clouding of consciousness.
We have taken an unphysical picture and we get a nonsensical answer.
Charles calls Adam's cell, and after getting a nonsensical answer from him, borrows a car.
As a self-invented person, he routinely gave evasive, contradictory or seemingly nonsensical answers to personal questions, and denied his birth name.
In such a case the rocket would be losing mass and an incorrect application of would result in a non-zero but non-accelerating force, leading to nonsensical answers.
"Twenty thousand years," was Zai's nonsensical answer.