Bark refers to all the tissues outside of the vascular cambium and is a nontechnical term.
That would require, in nontechnical terms, "a miracle," as Mr. Ravitz put it.
Or, to put it in nontechnical terms, when seen on a very good television set, the picture from a videodisk looks better than that of a broadcast or cable program received under the best conditions.
For such people, the Roller Coaster Physics site ( offers some reassurance, explaining in nontechnical terms why a roller coaster car won't fly off into space when it rounds a hairpin curve.
Morelli went on to describe in nontechnical terms the theory behind particle extinctions and creations, and the interpretation of these events as transitions of basic entities between the various dimensions of k-space.
But reasons pale when you first confront St. Vincent's undeniably odd bulk, and a nontechnical term leaps to mind - weird.
In nontechnical terms, a confidence distribution is a function of both the parameter and the random sample, with two requirements.
The "Notice of Intent to Levy" must include "in simple and nontechnical terms the right of a person to request a hearing during the 30 day period" before the levy will be effective.
This "dark matter" question is explored in nontechnical terms in a concise new work by the American astronomer Wallace Tucker and his wife, Karen, a freelance writer.
A. The nontechnical term is usually applied to light observed from ordinary lightning too far away for its thunder to be heard, according to the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Earth Sciences.