Otherwise the period was used for pupil chatter apart from the normal chores of reporting absences and dinner money.
Domke Akma Palam Samlo - It is sung when doing the normal chores and also during the Domke Akma dance.
Mrs. Nicholson, who has a degenerative skin and muscle disease, found that even normal daily chores were difficult.
But during a yellow alert his normal chore was monitoring the artificial gravity system as well as the helm.
A normal semblance of life is springing up everywhere in the city, not to mention people going out and doing their day-to-day normal chores without looking over their shoulders.
There is, of course, the normal, often chaotic chore of telling which players to go on the ice according to changing game situations.
This perfectly normal outdoor chore involves boring holes in a lawn to keep everything growing healthily.
There was a renewed pleasure in dealing with normal chores: what would I like to eat, or should I bake some bread?
Along with the normal chores of domestic life Ashapurna was making a room of her own through sheer power of will which realized her a significant place in the world of creative literature.
The responsibilities that they take on are beyond normal assigned chores, and are not age appropriate.