The games have greater impact on the division race, too, even if they produce normal events.
Around its edge was an event horizon, where normal events stopped and became nothing.
Surely no one would come now, not until normal events were restored in the valley.
A normal event lasts for 3 to 4 hours, although longer events are not uncommon.
The ski jumping team normal hill event was not held, as it had been in 2005.
Single lift meets are often held, sometimes alongside a normal 3-lift event.
"We're just reacting to a normal, healthy event in the life of this community," he says.
Here's another way of putting it: he has fans that come early to shows, sitting up front, not a normal event in jazz.
That should not be construed as a normal event for a child.
But if they become a normal event, all papers prepared for Council will have to be written with a much wider audience in mind.