Precambrian rocks at least 100m away from the Telegraph Pass granite contact are of normal polarity (Fig. 3, PC host no. 4).
In magnetostratigraphy, the Coniacian is part of magnetic chronozone C34, the so called Cretaceous Magnetic Quiet Zone, a relatively long period with normal polarity.
When connected to a battery or other DC source, the 4-way switch selects from either normal or reversed polarity.
Also, anaplastic cells usually fail to develop recognizable patterns of orientation to one another (i.e. they lose normal polarity).
The Jaramillo normal event is a period of normal polarity of Earth's magnetic field during the Matumaya Reversed Epoch.
These data are then abstracted to the standard black and white magnetostratigraphic columns in which black indicates normal polarity and white is reversed polarity.
There is no preference for either normal or reversed polarity, and no statistical difference between the distributions of these polarities.
Positive anomalies represented underlying rocks with normal polarity, negative anomalies those with reversed polarity.
The Portage Lake Volcanics and all younger formations have normal magnetic polarity.
The same envelope can also modulate the filter's cutoff frequency, in normal or inverted polarity.