To write unique code to handle input to or situations arising in program that are somehow distinguished from normal processing.
Otoconia are required for normal processing of information regarding spatial orientation and acceleration.
Express usually takes a day or two, normal processing 5-7 days.
An accelerator takes precedence over normal processing and can be a convenient way to program some event handling.
Locomotion at a high elevation requires more than normal visual processing.
But even if the sign out front says "One Hour Photo," normal processing may be one working day.
A processor that discovers a validity error must be able to report it, but may continue normal processing.
For the next five weeks, the finished modifications will be tested before normal processing for launching begins in September.
Changes that happen during normal processing or malicious tampering are analogous to dirt added after the message is written.
One starts off with a syndrome and uses it to develop a theory of normal processing.