Patrick Ewing unfolded his body, emerged from behind the tinted windows and walked with normal strides as a security guard ushered him inside.
She charged down the runway and appeared to be in normal stride until reaching the take-off board.
Now, however, she was moving in a slow, hesitant fashion very unlike her normal brisk stride.
In women's hurdles, the lead leg is usually straight and the center of gravity does not rise relative to a normal running stride.
His normal stride would have swallowed hers; now it was only a third as long.
To do this, measure the distance from toe to toe or heel to heel when you take a normal stride.
The place had hit its normal stride.
Most will master the normal heel-first stride by about 18 months of age.
Both father and son walked at a normal stride, not too hurried, with their backs straight.
"Nice trick," Kylar said, catching up with her as she resumed her normal fast stride.