Testaverde had his normal starter's workload in Wednesday's practice - which Coach Al Groh said went nicely - and had no lingering physical aftereffects.
Those neurons may have been carrying 500 times their normal workload, causing the muscle weakness and pain.
Mr. Bush immediately resumed his normal workload, keeping to a schedule made out days before.
Getting a realistic job preview to understand the normal workload and schedules of the job will also help people to identify whether or not the job fit them.
Participating students complete special courses beyond their normal academic workload.
The seminars meet from March to July, and are in addition to the teachers' normal workload.
"They compress their normal workload into the remainder of the time they have."
Will the staff be able to participate while juggling their normal workload?
Although none of these operations actually involves sewing, they do take time to complete and are taken into account when determining the piece rate and normal workload for an operation.
None of the processors in the Ultrabooks matter, in that they're all massively overspecified for normal workloads.