DDF's domains are normally acquired at domain name auctions and drop auctions, a practice that bolsters portfolio liquidity and facilitates quick resale of domains.
While available through FMS, nonstandard articles or services are normally acquired commercially.
The parallel, so far, is perfectly complete (except that 'Leonore' merely talks common sense, while Jeanne's voices gave information not normally acquired).
Training in medical anthropology is normally acquired at a master's (M.A. or M.Sc.)
Prior to 1 January 1977 a person adopted by Maltese citizens normally acquired Maltese citizenship automatically.
All that takes a level of agility with the bicycle, Sergeant Murphy said, that goes beyond what is normally acquired by the Sunday rider.
There is the first proof of preternatural agency, since Miss Cameron developed so much knowledge which she could not have normally acquired, using many phrases and ideas which were characteristic of the deceased.
Pure and natural sciences, technology, medicine and law are not within the library's purview, although it has some books in all of those fields; books on their histories are normally acquired.
Skills normally acquired in a blended rush were introduced in the tiniest of steps.
Your domicile is normally acquired at birth, but this is a general law concept covering a range of factors.