These require sophisticated moral and ethical judgments not normally attributed to the low skilled.
Postural kyphosis (M40.0), the most common type, normally attributed to slouching, can occur in both the old and the young.
Keenan is skeptical about the authenticity of a number of texts normally attributed to the Russian medieval period.
Most fiction involving an examination of relationships or of the sphere of life normally attributed to the female is coloured pink.
However, the result is normally attributed to Abraham de Moivre.
My initial impression of the man after hearing him talk was that he dealt in goods more exotic than those normally attributed to commerce.
She holds no weapons normally attributed to Durga.
The importance of a person in a community is normally attributed to their wealth, how they have helped the community, or their age.
Its name means "skirt" in Quechua, and a female character is normally attributed to the mountain in local legends.
As a vampire he had all the conventional powers normally attributed to them in addition to his mutant abilities.