Decisions normally bind customs authorities throughout the EC for 3 years.
The decision to accept the money would not normally be binding in contract law, and afterwards the builders sued the Rees for the outstanding amount.
He asserted that the analysis by the budget office was "fundamentally flawed," but such estimates are normally binding on members of Congress.
Each transferrin is made up of two subunits, known as N and C, that normally bind iron.
He said the bacteria had evolved so that they could evade penicillin, which normally binds to a protein and prevents the bacteria from growing new cell walls.
In their resting state, integrins normally bind the molecules that activate them with low affinity.
These proteins, generated by plasma cells, normally bind to pathogens, targeting them for destruction.
In 2007 Mups normally found in male mouse urine were made in transgenic bacteria, and therefore created devoid of the chemicals they normally bind.
The toxin, a poisonous product of Pseudomonas bacteria, normally binds to, enters and kills any cell it contacts.
This response is further perpetuated as normally binding between regulatory proteins and their ligands aid in the control of coagulation and inflammatory responses.