In 1979 he moved to England, where jockeys normally compete at higher weights, and became a highly successful rider there.
Boys and girls are separated in sports and do not normally compete with each other.
Each tournament lasts a day and around 8 teams normally compete in a round-robin league with the winner being whoever has the most points.
"However, we have seen Asia coordinate in some areas where they normally compete, such as when India and China bid for foreign energy assets."
You may ask your broker to do so, as the insurance market is competitive and brokers normally compete for business.
It was the first time that the three news organizations, which normally compete in news coverage, had formally united to create a joint enterprise.
It also broke down barriers between information specialists and business managers within companies and among companies that normally compete.
I couldn't compete with the guys that I normally competed with in the weight room.
These schools' bands do not normally compete, but instead come to Gahanna to play "football music" to the large crowd of people.
Backup capability will exist in case of a breakdown, provided cooperatively by companies that normally compete with one another.