It was so scrumptious that Joyce, who normally hates tripe, cleaned the plate.
Kaye normally hated shots and needle pricks, but this was nothing compared to the rest of her discomfort.
I was craving food that I normally hated.
The reason, I normally hate everything I hear!
I normally hate parting with legacy technology, as my wife can attest.
I normally hate it when people correct spelling mistakes, but this is not a criticism: it's "tumultuous".
"I normally hate arrangements of my work," he says.
The interface is actually stylish, and while I normally hate not having a system go straight into the game upon power on it makes sense in this case.
He normally hates Justin because he can't seem to outshine him although he does everything that he can.
I normally hate being a bad guy; in Star Wars games I always pick the light side and give money to beggars.