They are normally reticent about entering into public discussions on important issues, but believe opinions can be stated through music, without fear of retribution.
By crafting their solution, and with the normally reticent Gilpatric speaking up forcefully for it, the two managed to change the thrust of policy.
Once Con, who was normally reticent about such things, had surprised her by asking about her marriage.
The dashing and normally reticent Jeff always kept what she calls "a certain distance" from everyone around him.
Several jurors laughed aloud; the normally reticent juror No. 9, a 52-year-old black woman, hid her face behind her notebook and giggled.
That the normally reticent Astor had his name painted in two-foot-high letters on the construction fence indicates how closely he identified with this project.
Normally reticent, Jewell grows voluble with the thought of Ken's distinctive style.
So, like any proud parent, the normally reticent Limited is suddenly willing to engage in a bit of uncharacteristic preening.
The normally reticent, but always powerful, business community has finally been moved to demand action.
As protests swelled, Shell, normally reticent, replied with a flurry of press releases and paid advertisements.