The capacitance is normally specified in terms of a polynomial, with the coefficients specific to each standard.
The final use to which goods will be put and which entitles them to End Use relief, this is normally specified in the Tariff.
Denominations of half, one, or two jin are normally specified.
The System Operator service is normally specified in rules or codes established as part of the electricity market.
The generally-accepted visual distance of closest focus is 250 mm, and eyepiece power is normally specified assuming this value.
They are not normally specified individually for a particular family of resistors manufactured using a particular technology.
A site isn't normally specified.
The alternator of a wind turbine is normally specified to match the strongest wind in which the turbine is designed to operate.
The Sommerfeld number is very important in lubrication analysis because it contains all the variables normally specified by the designer.
Temperature and moisture resistant oils, greases and lubricants are normally specified.