The Island is normally staffed by a ranger who enforces park laws, while also providing interpretive services for public visitors.
The Special Commando Company is normally staffed with veteran members, taking on various supporting roles.
In the United States, university residence halls are normally staffed by a combination of both students and professional residence life staff.
Engines are normally staffed with at least three people if possible: an officer, a driver (who usually operates the pump), and a firefighter.
We found no bodies, even though the bridge layout clearly suggests that it is normally staffed by a dozen crew members.
In a ship normally staffed by 730 men, the U.S. Navy used a crew of 165 doing the work of 325.
Each large vessel is normally staffed by four personnel.
Brush trucks are not normally staffed except during Fire Warning periods or after hurricanes.
Up until this time, circuit courts were normally only staffed by district judges and Supreme Court justices "riding circuit."
Indeed, where there were longer "events", these were normally staffed with seasonal workers employed on very different terms and conditions.