Geiberger said that he concentrated harder to avoid being distracted by the normally talkative Trevino.
Meanwhile, the low-key Reich diplomatically resumed his backup role and the normally talkative Bills declined to comment.
"I really don't want to talk about that," said the normally talkative Mr. Quijano.
Although being normally talkative, he is shy in front of girls.
The normally talkative Mr. Roth declined to comment, saying only that he expected to make a decision shortly.
Normally talkative, Mr. Smith said little to his friends about Ms. Meredith.
At first, she said, the normally talkative girl seemed strangely subdued.
With the ratings success of this year's program, a surprising number of normally talkative naysayers have suddenly clammed up.
The personable and normally talkative Mickens would discuss anything other than his health.
The intense secrecy imposed by the Carlyle has given the normally talkative real estate community little hint of potential buyers.