Several authors have criticized the way Gibbons and his co-authors seem to blend descriptive and normative elements.
These common factors are those normative elements of the legal system which help to achieve its internal cohesion.
Geostrategy as a political science is both descriptive and analytical like Political Geography, but adds a normative element in its strategic prescriptions for national policy.
However, Lenin's term has a normative element that was not present in prior descriptions of the phenomenon.
Some varieties of virtue epistemology that contain normative elements, such as virtue responsibilism, can provide a unified framework of normativity and value.
However, the significant reduction in sentence is probably connected with the normative elements in the provocation doctrine, the elements of 'partial justification'.
David Velleman is also concerned with how groups are formed, but his account lacks the normative element present in Gilbert.
Obviously, then, there is a difference between normative and descriptive elements in the poem.
These three intersubjective, normative elements are:
Finally, because reading is always done with a concern for the sub-community, postliberal interpretation always contains a normative element, encouraging an active response.