In actuality it is a critique of the use of any single methodology to provide normative rules for law and morality.
Kurtz believes that the careful, secular pursuit of normative rules is vital to society.
Combinations of weak pronouns are subject to wide regional and stylistic variation, and in several cases the normative rules presented above do not reflect actual usage.
There are no conceptualized and isolated set of normative rules - these are instead embodied in everyday life.
Prescription is the formulation of normative rules for language use.
Very early Neufert recognized the possibilities for rationalization of building processes, but also the need for normative rules.
The normative rules are social norms and values with moral significance, whereas cognitive rules can be regarded as collective mind frames, or social paradigms.
An example of a normative rule is the responsibility felt by a company to prevent or clean up waste.
Recent events have established, through the work of this House, the need to establish ethical and normative rules for the conduct of European affairs.
Grotius emphasized the importance of actual practices, customs and treaties-what "is" done-as opposed to normative rules of what "ought to be" done.