Islamists believe that Islam fuses religion and politics, with normative political values determined by the divine texts.
Like the preamble, this provision is of symbolic, historical, political and normative value.
That is, communicative action has the ability to reflect upon language used to express propositional truth, normative value, or subjective self-expression.
Unlike the American Legal System, it considers normative values other than democracy, such as ".
This normative value is based on the egalitarian premise of democracy, the "One man, one vote" requirement.
"The author and the reviewer are saying that a drug dealer is a normative value," Goodkind said.
Merton defines culture as an "organized set of normative values governing behavior which is common to members of a designated society or group".
"How does this population rise up to normative, middle-American values and assets when its relationship to the land is severed?"
Without normative personal values, there would be no cultural reference against which to measure the virtue of individual values and so culture identity would disintegrate.
One particular form of networks important to governance problems is 'epistemic communities' in which actors share the same basic casual beliefs and normative values.