To the north of the castle are formal, geometrically laid out gardens.
Seventeen farmers from the north of the castle were taken to Seitaka.
The great park lay to the north and west of the castle.
In the early 18th century, a French garden was installed in the north of the castle which is mainly intact today.
To the north of the castle lies the plateau of Maifeld.
Immediately to the north of the castle, there is a harled wall with an enclosed courtyard.
Stables were built just to the north of the castle, but only half were completed during the 19th century.
The chapel, which is on a small hill to the north east of the castle, was rebuilt in stone in the early 15th century.
On a hill just to the north of the castle lies a small circular earthwork.
The first siege began on 19 July, with Louis taking the high ground to the north of the castle.