In 1868, nineteen counties in the northeastern quarter of the state were organized into the Diocese of Albany.
Sentinel Mountain and the general northeastern quarter of the area are characterized by bare rock outcropping that resulted from forest fires more than a half century ago.
And thus was the northeastern quarter of Honce-the-Bear shut down.
Since then, the rebels, their numbers increased several-fold, have pushed their army out of virtually all the northeastern quarter of the country.
The northeastern quarter of the United States, these railroads' service area, was the most densely populated region of the U.S.
The northeastern quarter of the yurt is reserved for the woman.
In the early 1980s, two arches stood side by side in the northeastern quarter.
His father was a traveling salesman, and his family moved frequently, mostly in the northeastern quarter of the country.
The athletic facilities are mostly located on the northeastern quarter, and some facilities are located north of 10th Avenue.
It was a wide avenue through the forest that granted access to the northeastern quarter of the city.