As early as Roman times, it was introduced into more northerly regions, and later was also cultivated in monastery gardens by monks.
This difference is a major contributing factor to a rate of skin cancer that is at least 3 times higher than in more northerly regions.
Summary: Neolithic pottery may well have arrived as a full-blown technological set from more northerly regions.
Even though there may be early frosts in October in some of the more northerly regions, broccoli is a sturdy vegetable.
There is hope for generations unborn if you move away from here, say, into more northerly regions where there are no concentrations of dangerous minerals.
Northern America, a northerly region of the Americas.
Earlier computer models of climate change predicted similarly disparate effects on crop yields, with some northerly regions benefiting while developing countries suffered.
Of course you have deer and likely moose in the more northerly regions.
It is also Canada's most northerly agricultural region.
It contributes color and body to the red wines of this northerly region.