As a result, it is not always easy to distinguish between the two peoples in the context of attacks on northern Gaul.
The second year of the war was conducted in northern Gaul among the Belgic nations.
Roman rule in northern Gaul effectively collapsed in the 5th century.
The Belgae were a group of tribes living in northern Gaul.
In 370 the Saxons renewed their attacks on northern Gaul.
Beyond vinegar, honey, and a few pale-flavored herbs, northern Gaul had little to offer in the way of spices.
Carausius was defeated by forces loyal to Rome and lost control of northern Gaul.
Aegidius also acknowledged Majorian and took effective charge of northern Gaul.
There, under the leadership of their Merovingian kings, they had an important role in the politics in northern Gaul.
It is one of a group of similar enamelled vessels found in Britain and northern Gaul.